Programs & Initiatives
Since the 1970s, Monroe County has had a comprehensive and robust water quality monitoring program and implemented numerous projects to mitigate impacts to water quality, including the Pure Waters Master Plan.
These efforts have been advanced through partnerships with the United States Geological Survey (USGS), local institutions of higher learning, the City of Rochester, the towns and villages within Monroe County, and the surrounding counties.
As part of the water quality management of Irondequoit Bay, the County has maintained a Cooperative Agreement with the USGS consisting of a network of hydrologic monitoring stations also used to collect samples characteristic of stormwater runoff events. In addition, monitoring stations are maintained at Black Creek, Oatka Creek, Honeoye Creek, Northrup Creek, and on the main stem of the Genesee River in Rochester. Data from these sites supports the County’s ongoing water quality efforts, as well as the Stormwater Coalition and various watershed groups.
The monitoring program data can be viewed and searched on the USGS website.
Planning & Monitoring Resources
An important element of stormwater planning is to establish goals and objectives that will improve the health of the waterbody through support and involvement of local stakeholders, biologists, planners and other experts. In Monroe County, water quality planning and monitoring have been important components of our stormwater program.
Goals of the program have been to:
Mitigate stormwater impacts on water quality from new and existing development.
Reduce regional flooding impacts through the implementation of green infrastructure (a more effective way to improve water quality and reduce drainage problems generally through more extensive management of stormwater runoff).
Educate and involve the public in efforts to protect water quality
Identify current and emerging pollutants of concern
To learn more about water quality monitoring in Monroe County go here.
Watershed Assessment Plans
Starting in 2010 the Monroe County Department of Environmental Services, with support from the Stormwater Coalition, began an effort to conduct assessments of all the major watersheds in the County. The assessments were an effort to identify potential sources of stormwater pollutants, identify potential stormwater pollutant reduction measures, and evaluate the progress in addressing those pollutants to ensure no net increase of pollutants of concern (POCs).
The assessment reports can be found here.
Genesee Valley Park, City of Rochester.
Pollution Prevention Program
All municipalities regulated under Phase II are also required to assess potential sources of pollution from municipal facilities and operations, identify and implement practices that will reduce or prevent pollution, and train employees. The Coalition provides assistance to the members with each of these requirements.
The Coalition has developed a municipal pollution prevention guidance manual and has provided training for the members on its use. The manual provides detailed information on how to plan a pollution prevention program, assessment methods for identifying pollution sources, and details about possible practices to reduce pollution.
Stormwater Management Program Plan
The Coalition prepared a template Stormwater Management Program Plan (SWMP) that describes and documents the programs that are being implemented by the Coalition to assist the members in their compliance with the Phase II requirements. The Coalition member municipalities use the template as the foundation for developing their individual SWMPs as required under Phase II. The public is encouraged to review the Coalition’s SWMP and submit comments to the Coalition staff. The individual municipal SWMPPs may be accessed by contacting the applicable member representative.
Irondequoit Bay Marine Park, Irondequoit.